An ecosystem is a number of elements working together, to create the environment in which they exist and optimally, thrive.

Within organizational ecosystems, employees are the elements who create and uphold the framework that governs decisions and actions, so that they and the organization can exist and optimally, thrive.

Join us for a one-hour webinar on Wednesday, November 1st from 10 to 11 am US Central Time for some “real talk” on this important topic that will answer certain questions, challenge some perceptions, and help you map out the next phase of your DEI journey. 

Space is limited on a first-come, first-served basis, so save your spot now! 


Even if you can't make the live event, please register and we'll send you the recording!


Attendees will leave this fast-paced, interactive, session with a better understanding of:  

  • Looking to boost buy-in, commitment, and action toward achieving strategic DEI goals?
  • Experiencing resistance in the culture, and looking for a more integrated approach to change?
  • Wondering how best to facilitate systems and behavior change that engages the entire organization?
  • Looking for ways to take your DEI journey to the next level?

Leaders understand that an organization’s ecosystem drives performance and business value. When measured, individual and team behavior within the ecosystem, tells a story about how employee contributions impact business outcomes. These measures also provide valuable data that can be used to increase engagement and productivity; and achieve DEI goals.

Most organizational cultures are designed for consistency – not change. This makes it difficult for employees to adapt and sustain shifts in behavior and practice until it becomes the “new norm.” Most leaders and managers are challenged when it comes to knowing how to drive a whole ecosystem change.

We can help.

This webinar provides a practical approach that organizations can use to align expectations and action; and build an adaptable and resilient culture at the team and organization level. 

Space is limited so register today!

We are truly better together!